새미 제인 :
거센 파도에 타고있던 배가 무너져 뿔뿔이 흩어져도 우린 표류하다 다시 만나게 될 거야.
나랑 케빈이 벌써 20년 넘게 스토리를 진행하고, 이야기를 주고 받으면서
떨어져 있다가도 언제나 서로를 발견하듯이.
블러드라인에서 스토리를 진행하는 것에 대해서는 아직까지도 고민 중이야.
이번 경기로 이 이야기가 끝이 날까? 난 아니라고 봐.
2년 전처럼 다시 진행이 될지는 잘 모르겠지만,
괜찮을 거야. 어쨌든 우리는 가족이니까.
Sami Zayn :
Even if we all sort of drift in different direcrions, it's become this thing where you can always just sort of float back to the mothership.
Much like me and Kevin have been telling a stoy for over 20 years, and somehow we always find each other in our crosshairs.
And we're very diligent, just as I think with The Bloodline with regards to how we tell this story, we're very diligent about how we do it to make sure it's always piquing the fans interest.
So I don't have a definitive answer for you.
I don't know. but it's definitely not the end.
I don't know if this is like we're back and we're running it just like we did two years ago, but it's never really gonna be over because it's family.
'프로레슬링 관련' 카테고리의 다른 글
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